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October 10th World Mental Health Day

Join us and show your support for Mental Health

Join us and show your support for Mental Health

Mental Health Alert

The pandemic due to COVID-19 is inflicting important consequences in the Mental Health of the population.

Young adults have also been gravely affected and that is why this year we chose to reach out to them through social media and show our support.

According to the WHO, “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”

Upload in your social media account a picture of you sending a kiss with the hashtag #AKissForMentalHealth, from October 1st to October 31st. Any public profile can participate, if they are Instagram, Twitter, Facebook o Linkedin.

For every kiss,
Neuraxpharm will donate 
1€* to Fundación Querer.

A simple gesture can achieve so much.


*Data updated on 10/31/2021

For every kiss, Neuraxpharm will donate 1€*
to the non-profit organisation querer Foundation

*Maximum donation of 6.000€

Discover more about Mental Health with our infographics

Donwload the
infographic on
How to take care of
your Mental Health

Download the
infographic on
How to take care of
your Mental Health

1. Confederación SALUD MENTAL España. Salud Mental y COVID-19. Un año de pandemia [Internet]. Madrid: 2021. [accessed 1 october 2021]. https://www.consaludmental.org/publicaciones/ Salud-mental-covid-aniversario-pandemia.pdf

2. MedlinePlus [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): U.S. National Library of Medicine. Salud mental. [accessed 1 october 2021]. https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/mentalhealth.html